Suggest Containers Window Field Descriptions

Note: Because LabOnline is customizable based on laboratory needs, some of the options referenced in the steps and images below may not be available or may be named differently. Direct any questions to your laboratory.


Additional Details

 Number of samples

Number of samples that will be collected.

Matrix drop-down list

Lists available matrices. A selection filters the available tests to choose.

Choose Tests button

Populates the Tests grid. The button is disabled until a matrix is selected.



Additional Details


The selected test.

Test Description

A description of the test.

Suggest Containers button

Populates the Containers grid. The button is disabled until Number of samples is entered and at least one test is selected.



Additional Details

 Part ID

Laboratory code for the container or kit type.


Description of the part.


Shows the type of preservative substance. Editable for container part selections.


Number of containers or kits of this part ID to order.

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