Download Reports or Queries

Note: Because LabOnline is customizable based on laboratory needs, some of the options referenced in the steps and images below may not be available or may be named differently. Direct any questions to your laboratory.

You can download one or more final reports if they are available for workorders, samples, and patients or chains of custody/requisition forms if they are available for orders.

Note: LabOnline can handle any file type. PDF and image files (PNG, BMP, JPG, and GIF), are merged into a single PDF file. All other file types are returned individually and not as part of a merged file.

  1. Select the row or rows in the grid containing the reports or chain of custody/requisition forms you want to download.

    Note: To select multiple rows, select a row, press Shift or Ctrl, and select additional rows using either your mouse or arrow keys.

  2. Click Download .
  3. In the Download Reports confirmation window, click Confirm.

    If you selected a single report or chain of custody/requisition form, it downloads as a single file. If you selected multiple reports or chains of custody/requisition forms, a zip file downloads containing those files. The process for viewing these downloaded files depends on the browser in which you opened LabOnline.

Go to Reports/Chains of Custody/Requisition Forms