Enter Dates and Times

Date Fields

Enter dates in MM/DD/YYYY format. For example:

You can also select the date picker icon that appears to the right of date fields. A calendar opens where you can click the exact date that you want in the field.

Note: Not all date fields have a date picker.

Time Fields

Enter times in 00:00 24-hour format. For example:

You can also enter or edit a time manually by selecting either the hour or minutes in a time field and using the arrow keys on your keyboard, or you can select the time icon that appears to the right of time fields and make a selection from the drop-down list that appears.

Keyboard Shortcuts


Keyboard Shortcut

Fill in current date

Down arrow

Navigate between month/day/year in the date field

Left/right arrow

Enter previous/next month/day/year in the date field

Down/up arrow

Open/close date picker

Alt + down/up arrow

Select previous/next day in the date picker

Left/right arrow

Select same day from previous/next week in the date picker

Up/down arrow

Select previous/next month in the date picker

Ctrl + left/right arrow

Select previous/next view in the date picker

Ctrl + up/down arrow

Select first/last day of the month in the date picker


Accept the selected date in the date picker


Close the date picker without a selection


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