Search Criteria

Most grids in LabOnline contain a search functionality that allows you to search for specific values. This search panel is available when viewing results for multiple samples. You access the Search Criteria panel to see results for workorders, a patient name, custom sample ID, or MRN.

The following table describes the fields from the search criteria functionality.

Field Additional Details
Search field Use the search criteria suggested in the ghost text of the field. The suggestions are tailored for the specific grid you are on.
Received Date radio buttons Values are:
  • Last - search for samples and workorders received in the past n days. The value of n defaults according to settings configured by the laboratory..
  • Between - search for samples and workorders received between the dates you select. You can leave either date blank for an open-ended search.
  • All available - search for samples and workorders regardless of receive date. Note: text above the search panel will indicate if the laboratory has configured a maximum number of days past the reported date to view completed work. The "All available" option is limited by the data limitations set by the laboratory.
Options check box Filters search using either one of the following criteria:
  • Show abnormal only - Note: this option maybe hidden based on laboratory configuration.
  • Show unread reports only

Abnormal results are those that fit the following criteria:

  • Negative-dilute, non-fatal
  • Positive-dilute, non-fatal
  • Positive-adulterated, non-fatal
  • Positive-invalid, non-fatal
  • Positive-substituted, non-fatal
  • Multiple non-negative, non-fatal
  • Adulterated, non-fatal
  • Dilute, non-fatal
  • Invalid, non-fatal
  • Out of range, non-fatal
  • Positive, non-fatal
  • Substitute, non-fatal
Search Executes the specified search criteria.
Reset Resets the search criteria and grid contents to its initial state.

See also: Filter Data for information on quick filter buttons, which are located above some LabOnline grids.

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