Edit a Scheduled Future Order

Note: Because LabOnline is customizable based on laboratory needs, some of the options referenced in the steps and images below may not be available or may be named differently. Direct any questions to your laboratory.

You can edit test order recurrences to change the details of the recurrence or simply update the contents of a specific future order.

Editing a Single Order in a Series

  1. Click Orders from the main menu, then select View Orders from the submenu.
  2. Select the Scheduled quick display filter above the grid.
  3. Click the Edit link for the scheduled order you would like to edit. The test must have scheduled as the status in the Order Status column.
    The Confirmation pop-up window opens

  4. In the Confirmation pop-up window, click Just this order to edit an individual order.
  5. Edit the Order Test page as needed and click Save.

Editing a Recurring Series

  1. Follow steps 1 - 3 for editing a single order in a series.
  2. In the pop-up window, click Entire Series.
    The Order Tests details page opens.
  3. On the Order Test details page, click Change Recurrence on the top right of the page.
    The Recurrence pop-up window opens.

  4. Change the recurrence schedule as needed, then click OK to save the changes.
  5. Click Remove Recurrence if you want to end the schedule for the whole series.
    The Confirmation pop-up window opens

  6. Click Remove Recurrence to continue deleting or Cancel if you want to keep the series and return to the Recurrence window (step 3) to edit the series.

Go to Orders