Ship to Lab

Note: Because LabOnline is customizable based on laboratory needs, some of the options referenced in the steps and images below may not be available or may be named differently. Direct any questions to your laboratory.

Once an order status transitions to Ordered, it is available for the laboratory to process. The Ship to Lab feature allows you to keep track of orders that you have physically shipped, versus those that are still in your facility.

To mark one or more orders as shipped, complete the following steps:

  1. Select Orders from the main menu, then select View Orders from the submenu. All of the orders to which you have access will be displayed in the grid.
  2. Click Ordered in the grid header and select the row with the order you would like shipped. To select multiple rows, select one row, press Shift or Ctrl, and select additional rows with your mouse or arrow keys. Note:  You have to select at least one row for the Ship to Lab button to be enabled.

  3. Click Ship to Lab on the top left of the grid header.
  4. In the Ship to Lab window, you can optionally select the carrier to use for shipping, then click Done.
  5. Click Current in the grid header.

    The Order Status column displays
    In Transit as a status for orders you have shipped to the lab. These orders will no longer appear in the Ordered filter.

Go to Orders