Contact the Laboratory

You can contact the laboratory through an option in the user menu or by clicking the Contact Laboratory button in the workorders, samples, and patients grids. The Contact Laboratory button option allows you to select more than one item in the respective grid about which to send an email.

User Menu Option

Note: This option should only be used for general inquiries. Use the Contact button on the grids if you have context-specific inquiries for samples, workorders, patients, and so forth.

  1. Click your name in the user menu, which is located in the top right corner of most LabOnline pages. Then, click Contact Laboratory from the drop-down menu.

  2. In the Contact Laboratory box, enter your email address, a subject, and the message you want to send to the laboratory.
  3. Click Send. A confirmation message appears if your email was sent successfully.

Contact the Laboratory

The Contact Laboratory button is available at the top of the workorders, samples, patients, and view orders grids in LabOnline.

  1. Select the row or rows in the grid containing the items about which you want to send an email to the laboratory.

    Note: To select multiple rows, select a row, press Shift or Ctrl, and select additional rows using either your mouse or arrow keys.

  2. Click Contact Laboratory .
  3. In the Contact Laboratory box, enter your email address. The default text in the Subject field is configured by the laboratory. Edit this text if you prefer. The Message for laboratory field contains the name of the grid from which you are sending the message as well as the sample IDs or workorder IDs you have selected. Add your message for the laboratory after this default text.
  4. Click Send. A confirmation message appears if your email was sent successfully.

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