Order Environmental Tests

See Environmental Order Tests Page Field Descriptions for descriptions of the fields on this page.

Environmental order templates work the same way as clinical orders with slightly different set of controls. In both cases the type of template is determined after the selection of the client profile on the Order Tests page.

To open the Order Tests page, click Orders from the main menu item and then, select Order Tests from the submenu.

Select Client & Profile

This section works the same as when ordering clinical tests. See Selecting a Client and Profile.

Add Samples & Tests

This section expands after you select the client and profile.

  1. Enter the workorder ID.
  2. Click Add in the Samples panel. The Test & Containers panel opens.
  3. Select the Line Item and Sample ID. After you select the line item:
  4. Fill in all required data.
  5. Enter Additional Information. This section, located below the Containers grid, is only enabled if there is additional information associated with the line item or any of the selected tests.
  6. Click Save to save the order without submitting it. You may use this option if you want to revisit the order at a later time. Note: Environmental orders do not create chains of custody until they are submitted.
  7. Click Save and Submit if you have completed the order and are ready to send it to the laboratory.

Go to Orders