Reopen Orders to Edit, Review, or Approve

Note: Because LabOnline is customizable based on laboratory needs, some of the options referenced in the steps and images below may not be available or may be named differently. Direct any questions to your laboratory.

A user with approval permissions can reopen an order to make changes to it and approve it. Once an order has been approved and submitted for processing, the information in the order is read-only and no edits can be made to it. A user without approval permissions can reopen an order and make changes to it only if the order has not yet been approved.  For information on editing recurring orders, refer to Edit a Scheduled Future Order.

To reopen an order, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Orders from the main menu and then select View Orders from the submenu. All of the orders to which you have access will be displayed in the grid.

  2. See Search for Orders for information about finding a specific order on the Orders page.

  3. Click the link in the Chain of Custody column for the order that you want to review or approve. Use the filters above the grid to narrow your search to the specific order status you want.
  4. Note: Orders with a status of Ordered or In-Transit are read-only and cannot be edited. Orders with a status of Needs Review, Needs Signature, Pending, or Scheduled can still be edited. See Order Tests for additional information about the Order Tests page. If the order is part of a recurring event, you are prompted to edit either the single order or the entire series - refer to Edit a Scheduled Future Order.

  5. The order opens with the chain-of-custody number and status displayed at the top of the page. You can click Back to View Orders to return to the Orders page. For some orders, you can click the View document link to view the chain of custody or requisition form associated with the order.
  6. If you are a user with approval permissions who is reviewing an order, make changes to the order as necessary, then click Approve at the bottom of the page to submit the order for processing. If you are not ready to approve the order, you can click Save and return to the order to approve at a later time.
  7. If you are a user without approval permissions and made changes to the order, click Submit for Review at the bottom of the page. A user with approval permissions must review/approve your order before it is submitted for processing. If you are not ready to submit the order for review, you can click Save and return to the order to submit at a later time.

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